Sunday, 10 April 2011

Munich Olympics

If you are older than 45 then the Munich Olympics were a defining moment in the modern world. At an event that was supposed to erase the memory of the 1936 Berlin racist fiasco the "Happy Games" were overtaken by the violence of the the Middle East. It is incredible to think that on this roof the West German Police carried out their operations to rescue the Israeli athletes and the Palestinian terrorist watched it live on telly like the rest of the world thanks to the cameras on the TV tower.
It is a sensetive location as the locals who live here get sick of people taking photos of therir humble public housing flat but I suppose that that is history.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. The room where it all happened one day in September 1972. It is still so hard to contemplate that just 8 men could make such an impact on world perspectives of the Palestinian situation in such a short space of time. But what a terrible way for it to have to happen.
